Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The illusion of “positive thinking”

We are told to think “positive”, we are told to have “happy” thoughts, and the reason for this is: that our thoughts are picked up by the universe, and so we, ourselves, create what we focus on.

This is, in a nutshell, a popular concept, a set of beliefs, that a lot of people take to be true these days…….but is it?

It has a nice ring to it: “think positive and nice things will happen”, it brings about a feeling of being in control, and “a way out” of our unhappy, unfulfilling, non-perfect life’s.

But what is at the core of this all? At the core of this concept?

Doesn’t it all start with a judgement? A judgment about life as it is, right here, right now?
Don’t we judge life as “unwanted”, “undesirable” and “not right” as it is (right here, right now)?

In fact isn’t it a rejection of life itself, as it enfolds itself, to and through us?
We are life, we live, we are “it”, so isn’t it a rejection of ourselves?

The illusion of positive thinking is rooted in a thought construct, a set of beliefs and rules, put together by our “mind”, nothing wrong with that, but it tends to distract our attention away from what we are, to “an external world”, we (mind) oppose rules upon the world, we make demands on life itself…….here is where the confusion starts, in a way, we want to master ourselves……

There is no doubt that thoughts are creative, but what do they create, not merely more illusions? We see what we expect to see, what we focus on, but does that make it true? Or is this more self-deceive?

The concept of “positive” can only be by the mercy of the opposite “negative”, rooted in right / wrong, judgement (conscious or sub-conscious judgement). There is no way out of this, the concept of “me” can only exist if this “me” has a counterpart: “not-me”…..

So “me” and “not-me” are making up the world…..the world we create, it is the core of dualism ;-)

Would there be any use in “thinking positively”? Of course, it would matter to a “me”, but therefore it doesn’t mean it bears any truth……it would keep us tied to the world of concepts, which is imagination …..

An other matter is to live the life that you are, we already are “that” positive and negative ;-)

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